B CHORDS Glossary

Key terms used in the CHORDS Toolkit are defined below and in the NIEHS Climate Change and Human Health Glossary.

Geocoded Address

The geographic coordinates (i.e., latitude and longitude) associated with a street address (e.g., home or work location).

Context: Geocoded addresses are commonly used as a basis for geospatial exposure assessment for individuals.

Categories: Research Methods
Related Terms: Geocoding


The process of converting place names or street addresses to geographic coordinates (i.e., latitude and longitude).

Context: Geocoding is a common data processing step in geospatial exposure assessment.

Categories: Research Methods
Related Terms: Geocoded Address

Geographic Unit (Areal Unit)

A specific place defined by administrative or political geographic boundaries (e.g., state, census tract, country, postal code), environmental boundaries (e.g., watershed) or a grid (e.g., grid cell in a 1 km grid).

Context: Data for social and environmental determinants of health are often provided for different types of geographic units (e.g., census tracts, grid cells).

Categories: Research Methods


A unique identifying code for a place or geographic unit (e.g., census tract, city, postal code, land parcel, watershed).

Context: Geoid is commonly used as a basis for data integration at the individual and population level.

Categories: Research Methods
Related Terms: Geocoding, Data Integration

Geospatial Data

Data that includes information about specific times and places on the Earth.

Context: Geospatial data can be used to assess individual and population level exposures to environmental and social determinants of health.

Categories: Research Methods